And in other news

While Steve’s been bogged down in house-hunting, med changes, and a couple sides of medical stuff — as well as pitching in with the recently turned in draft of The Dragon in Exile — Sharon’s been cleaning out backfiles and has come up with a couple you may not have seen.

Most recently, there’s this discussion and outtake from Carousel Tides, which she felt ought to see the light of day.

Before that, also found in files, was this piece, a much older outtake: Strings, Strands, and Vines In Motion, which is after all a part of Cantra’s original story which morphed into the version we later settled on.

Do keep watching — the last of the scheduled follow-up med visits are coming right up and we’ve cleared some space to work in. Aside from the upcoming Principal Speaker gig at PhilCon  in a couple weeks we’re both going to be focusing on the words pretty hard between now and Boskone (in February).



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