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A previously undiscovered audio clip of Steve reading one of his poems.

Here’s the link.

Thank you!

To our Anonymous Friend posting from Eugene Oregon:  Thank you so much for your thoughtful contribution to Splinter Universe and its upkeep!  It arrived today and is much appreciated.

Chapter Five, the final chapter of the splinter Shadow of Artemia, is now ready for you to read.



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Four, the penultimate chapter of the splinter Shadow of Artemia, is now ready for you to read.



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Three of the the Lomar Fasholt splinter, Shadow of Artemia is now live!

For those keeping score, there are two more Lomar splinters after this one, with the last being posted on November 1.

A note about splinters, as there seems to be some Question.

Splinters are — splinters.  They are not whole stories; they are bits, bobs, and outtakes that for some reason that very rarely has to do with the Actual Writing, did not — or cannot be made to — fit into existing storylines.  As such, they do not come to a Satisfying Conclusion.  Mostly, they just — stop.

We post splinters because some readers find such things interesting, and as a way to illustrate that writing is so very much an intuitive process — an art, if you will, no matter how hard we try to ring it around with rules or pour it into flowcharts.

Here’s the links to the chapters so far:


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

As They Say, Haste Makes Waste.  Or, in my case, Confusion.

Last week, I posted the first chapter of Shadow of Artemia, completely forgetting that there was a Prologue.

That means, this week, those following along with this splinter get a bonus — two new installments, the Prologue and Chapter Two.

Here’s your links:


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Those of you who have been with us for awhile, or who have at least read Conflict of Honors, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller (the second published Liaden Universe® novel), will remember where this All Started.

In the course of that novel, Shan pays a visit to a longstanding and valued trade partner — Lomar Fasholt.  The situation on Lomar’s homeworld is changing and not in a good way.  The Temple has recently decreed that traders may only do business with outworlders whose families are properly headed by women, and there seems to be worse in the offing.

During the scene in Conflict of Honors, Shan and Priscilla have a run-in with a priestess of the Temple, and only escape by means of a ruse.  Shan didn’t expect that this ruse would cause trouble for his trade partner, who he values, but — well.  Korval and their damned luck.

Over the years, Steve and I have tried several times to come to terms with Lomar.  One attempt is “Songs of the Fathers,” which was published in FROM EVERY STORM: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® No. 35.

The fragments that will be posted here are another attempt.  We abandoned this one at just over 9,500 words, when we realized that, to do justice to the storyline, we would have to write at least four books and maybe more, and that the story was going into a darker place than we usually like to go.

Facts of possible interest:

1  Lomar has eight husbands.  In order of marriage they are: Terbus, Jeni, Aramis, Karaman, Ronlath, Vroyd, Sleak, Nathin

2  Lomar has three daughters:  Sima, Brit, and Aster

And I think that’s enough to get us started.

Here’s the link to Shadow of Artemia, Chapter One

“From Every Storm a Rainbow,” Lee and Miller’s holiday story and gift to you, our readers, has been posted to Baen. You may read it for free from now until mid-January.

It’s been a while, but here’s a new Splinter — Miri and Priscilla Surprise.

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