Listen to Steve read Lee and Miller’s “A Choice of Weapons.”

Here’s your link.

With the Liaden Universe® World Tour getting on the road again — this time to visit the Pittsburgh area where we’ll be Guests of Honor at Confluence — you might miss us on FaceBook or some of our other social media outlets. While we hope you can catch us at the convention, if you can’t you can still catch up on a couple of Splinter Universe Live reading from the spring.

First, at least timewise, there’s A Gift of Music, as read by Sharon Lee, a story in Sharon’s Carousel Tides universe which appeared originally as a featured story on

Then, there’s Steve’s story Charioteer, which was his first published story in Amazing, sold to Ted White in the mid 70s — it appeared in late 1977 in what was officially the May 1978 issue.

Another story read by Sharon was the joint Lee-Miller Liaden Universe® story The Beggar King, in which Clarence O’Berin arrives on Liad under rather uncertain conditions.

We’re still working on a lot of backlog of stories we’d like to read for you — Sharon’s just added what she considers one of her favorite chapters ever out of the Liaden Universe® to the Patreon site (Chapter 3 of Mouse and Dragon) and it and the fun Liaden story “A Day At The Races” will be available from links here in the fall.

As always, if you want to show support for a particular story you can drop us a note or use the Paypal donate button on the left side of the page. We thank you for all your help!

Listen to Steve read Lee and Miller’s locked-room murder mystery, “A Night at the Opera.”  Here’s your link.

We continue to go through the Lee & Miller archives and as time permits will be adding old stories and splinters as we get to them. Here’s one that hasn’t been seen for awhile.

Running The Race was written by Steve and published in Dream Again: A Journal of Spirituality and Madness, back in 1995, as a follow-on for a workshop he did for his then job as Citizen Access Specialist for the Citizen Access Network . That basically meant he was  Sysop and Chief Trainer for the Maine Meeting Place BBS in its role as an attempted community center for people who, by the of their personal situation and issues, were living in isolation.  Some were physically disabled, some had mental health issues, and all needed a way to communicate.

Many of the participants in the workshop, which took place off-season at a well-known Maine winter resort, wrote or tried to write about their difficulties. Poetry, fiction, screeds, agendas, books — all were in evidence at the workshop. There were lots of plans, lots of big ideas, lots of goals … and eventually two or three actual publications. Steve was invited to contribute on the first issue’s theme, which was isolation.






…..Running the Race …..

“The Road to Pomona’s” by Sharon Lee has been posted to Splinter Universe, under Stories and Features.

Here’s a direct link.

Novelette “The Wolf’s Bride,” and short story “Will-o’-the-Wisp” have been removed from Splinter Universe and compiled into echapbook Spell Bound by Sharon Lee, and is now being sold at Amazon, BN, Kobo, the iStore, and other ebook stores.


Re-established several story pages that had fallen during the most recent episode of Lee and Miller Against the Internet.

Available again for your reading and listening pleasure are:

Compton Crook Feature, by Steve Miller

The Cat’s Job, read by Steve Miller

The Inventoried, read by Steve Miller


A new story — the second new story in January! — has been posted.

“Will-o’-the-wisp” is an Archers Beach story — the second in January!  It takes place just after the end of Carousel Seas, and deals with one of the changes that occur in that novel.

Here’s your link.


A new story has been posted, nominally, it’s in the Archers Beach universe, though it actually takes place in the Land of the Flowers.

Here’s your link.

If you’re new to Splinter Universe — welcome!  Feel free to take the time to read the other splinters and stories posted here, by Lee, Miller, Lee and Miller, and great guest authors such as Alma AlexanderE.C. Ambrose, Chaz Brenchley,  and Marie Brennan.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to the site, or to the story.  All stories have PayPal buttons appended, for that reason.

Thank you — and enjoy!

And so we reach the ultimate, the last, existing chapter in this novel-that-never-was.

Thank you all for your enthusiasm, participation and support.

It was fun.

Here’s your link.

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