Wait! Something’s missing!

“Kin Ties” and “Guaranteed Delivery” have aged off the site.

Thank you for your interest and support in the Splinter Universe project, and watch for new stories in the new year!

Sharon Lee and Steve Miller

  1. 'nother Mike’s avatar

    Just a note that they may have aged off the site, but that means they are now available as Courier Run over here


    Good reading!


    1. Sharon’s avatar

      Thanks, Mike.

      I’ve been meaning to get back here and add that, but things have been slightly crazy.


    2. Sandi Watkins’s avatar

      Wait! I just now found your site. I was looking for the next chapbook. I want to read these stories. My sister in another state wants to read them. My husband wants to read then. Nobody owns a Kindle. I like to reread Liaden stories every two or three years. Will there never be a printed copy? Thanks from a fanatic fan.


      1. Sharon’s avatar

        Well…We don’t know if there will ever be printed stories.

        SRM Publisher used to print the chapbooks, but we’re in the process of shutting that down, due to Steve’s Health Adventures last year. We simply can’t handle the physical part of printing and mailing out thousands and thousands of chapbooks (mind you, I’m not complaining about the “thousands and thousands” part; it’s the schlepping that we can no longer handle in-house).

        So, we’re looking for a reasonable way to do paper chapbooks for the people who want paper, but we haven’t found it yet.

        In the meantime, if you really really just want to read the stories, go here, which is a list of all the electronic chapbooks in order, with the stories included in each one. You want to identify the chapbook you wand (in the case of the two stories that aged off the site, that would be Courier Run) and click the link to SMASHWORDS, which will sell you a pdf of the chapbook, so you can print it out.



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