All the news

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Teaser:  The black pennant snapped jauntily as Miri quick-marched the unit from the shuttle. The pennon was all they were allowed until the local flags came to head them up: they were to expect them in a few hours. In the meantime the large buff crescent with it’s two smaller followers smiled over them as Miri counted 100 paces in a straight line, called a right-ho,marched them 200 more and then called a stand-to with a salute to the shuttle.


Read the rest

We here at Splinter Universe have decided to try something new and exciting, and host guest stories by other authors, not only to give Lee and Miller a break, but to give you  — yes, you — the chance to discover authors who may have escaped your attention.

As it is no sooner decided than acted upon (ahem), we hereby present March’s Guest Author and Story — Bud Sparhawk and Somewhere, A Sea.

We hope you enjoy this new feature.


“The Space at Tinsori Light” has now been collected, with “Intelligent Design,” into eChapbook Legacy Systems:  Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 19. 

The chapbook is available in the Nook and Kindle stores and in multiple formats at Smashwords.

Check back for exciting additions to the Splinter area of Splinter Universe!

Because I have rocks for brains, I forgot to say that the two stories which have aged off the site, “Kin Ties,” and “Guaranteed Delivery,” are now available in eChapbook Courier Run, available in the Nook Store, the Kindle Store and at Smashwords.

Pinbeam Books is a useful guide to the eChapbooks, and what’s in each, with a link to each book’s catalog page at BN/Amazon/Smashwords.

Sharon Lee

“Kin Ties” and “Guaranteed Delivery” have aged off the site.

Thank you for your interest and support in the Splinter Universe project, and watch for new stories in the new year!

Sharon Lee and Steve Miller

The Space at Tinsori Light” has been added to Splinter Universe, with a special! bonus!: The original outline of the story, as written while the author traveled West on the California Zephyr, one fine and early August morn.


Short story “Russians in My Head,” with an Introduction by the Author, has been posted to Splinter Universe.



New News

…I can’t imagine how this is going to work, but I’m told that the former set-up isn’t working at all. The wages of the web-operator being tech-deficient.

In any case, and in case the RSS feed did not work in the former case, but has worked in the latter, being this, case: Splinter Universe is pleased to announce that Liaden Universe® short story “Guaranteed Delivery” is now able to be read on another part of this website, namely here.


Sharon Lee
September 12, 2011

September 12, 2011

Posted “Guaranteed Delivery” here


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September 4, 2011

Posted a teaser for “Guaranteed Delivery” here.

Full story posted on or around September 12. Watch the skies!

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August 12, 2011

Liaden Universe® novelette “Kin Ties” has been posted in its entirety, here

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August 9, 2011

Posted a teaser for “Kin Ties” here.

Full story posted on August 12.  Watch the skies!

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August 1, 2011

In preparation for “Kin Ties,” we’re offering those who wish to learn — or review! — how it was that Ren Zel dea’Judan met his death, a special treat.  From now until midnight on August 12, you may purchase the electronic edition of “Changeling” in your choice of format from Smashwords, for $1.50 — more-or-less half off of the regular retail price.  All you need do is go here, choose your preferred format and use coupon code KB93Q (not case sensitive) at checkout.

Have fun!

Sharon and Steve

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July 29, 2011

It is remotely possible that I’ve fixed the RSS problem.  Do let me know.

I’ve also added the last and final Splinter of The Cards of Fortunate Destiny, which may be read here

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July 20, 2011

Added the third and penultimate Splinter of The Cards of Fortunate Destiny. You can read it here

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July 9, 2011

Added the second Splinter of The Cards of Fortunate Destiny. You can read it here

Also! Created a Live Journal Community for discussion of the content of this site.  You can join or read that here.  The LJ discussion will be mirrored on Facebook; you can join that group here — I hope.

* * *
July 5, 2011

He dreamt of cards – he often did so now, though he had little enough to do with such things, waking, nor ever had.

The cards he dreamt were no mere lordling’s favored gambling deck, painted and illuminated by the skilled hand of the court’s current darling. Nay, these – these cards were …alive…. aware. As if each scene were a window cut into a living world, each different, alluring – each dangerous, as the world is, dangerous; each realized in fey perfection.

Want the rest?  Check out The Cards of Fortunate Destiny

Also added a Splinters intro page

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What the Heck is a Splinter Universe?

Glad you asked.  Splinter Universe is a new short story feature site from Sharon Lee and Steve Miller.  We’ll be posting stories on an irregular basis, along with teases, character sketches and perhaps the occasional cartoon.  Some, even most, of the stories will be based in Sharon and Steve’s Liaden Universe®.  However, the authors reserve the right to post a story set elsewhere, and to introduce new characters and situations.

First story in the line-up is “Kin Ties.”  I’d tell you more, but it’s still being written.  What I can tell you is that it concerns the affairs of a dead man, his wife, and the child of a bitter enemy.

* * *

Oh, and in case you like this idea, we will admit that the more interest we see in the projects we share here, the more likely we are to spend our time and energy here, too.

If you’d like to share the URL, that’s great. If you want to send us a dollar, that’s good, and if you want to send us $5 a month, or $1 a week, we promise you they’ll all go to the cause of keeping us fulltime writers. Splinter Universe can be supported through the Paypal button set in the sidebar, or if you prefer snailmail, send a check or money order (drawn on a US bank, only) made out to Sharon Lee, Steve Miller, either or both to:

Splinter Universe
c/o Lee & Miller
PO Box 1586
Waterville, ME 04903-1586.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for all the support!


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