Core Values Introduction

“Core Values” is a Discovery Story for Geritsi slentAlin, who appears in Liaden Universe® novels Trader’s Leap, Ribbon Dance, and Diviner’s Bow, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller.

The story started out as an unorganized scribbling of notes, that was sufficient for the story.  However, after a discussion with a reader who had managed to miss the whole point of the Haosa and their way of life, I saw that Geritsi’s story, properly organized, might be of use to similarly confused readers.

Confused or not, I hope you enjoy this peak into the Haosa side of Colemeno.

Core Values

  1. Lori Deason’s avatar

    Loved this story, and the background it helped clarify. Your stories always engage, and the characters feel like real people. Thank you for your hard work and the gifts of your writing.
    I’m planning to contribute to the patreon as soon as my debit card arrives. It’s been “stolen” 4 times this year. I suspect a flaw in android software, as it seems to happen when there are updates.


  2. Shervyn Von Hoerl’s avatar

    I love the Haosa. So very much. Thank you for this.



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